Zhejiang University Alumni Association
The Establishment of Zhejiang University Alumni Association at Austin and San Antonio will be formally announced in the inaugural meeting in Thomas Buffet (9710 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78753) from 12 PM to 3 PM on Jan. 26 Sat. 2013. We will invite all Zhejiang University alumni families in Austin and San Antonio as well as other organizations to attend. The event price will include entertainment and lunch Buffet(Include Tax & Tips). Adult: $14. Kids under 12: $8.We welcome you to attend our event. To register, please email your name, phone#, email and number of attendants to info@zjuaaasa.org.
If you are Zhejiang University Alumni and would like to connect to the Alumni Assocation, please call 210-363-6502. Website: www.Zjuaaasa.org
一. 上海侨办夏令营: 2012 青年文化参访团 – 上海、云南
二. 华语之桥 Chinese summer camps in Hangzhou and Beijing in 2012
三. “兰顿在中国”四周夏令营 July 20 to August 17, 2012
一.上海侨办夏令营: 2012 青年文化参访团 – 上海、云南
活动主题: 创新 ? 未来
主办单位: 上海市政府侨办 云南省政府侨办
协办单位: 美国华人全国委员会,美国华人教科文中心,北美华文教育服务中心
活动日期: 7月01-10日 上海, 7月10-16日 云南
参加对象: 18至23周岁在美国著名高校就读的优秀华裔青年(必须是在美国完成小学和中学教育的)
7月1日 全天 报到,入住营地
7月2日 上午 主题论坛暨开幕式,主旨发言:同济大学副校长、教授、博导吴志强
下午 名家讲座(1)《创业与发展》(2)《梁祝与中国民族音乐》
7月3日 上午 名家讲座(1)《中国历史》(2)《非物质遗产保护》
下午 考察著名企业,与留学回国创业人员座谈交流
7月4日 上午 考察上海社区,参观社区学校、社区文化中心、社区医疗中心等
下午 走进社区居民家庭,做一天上海市民
7月5日 上午参加公益活动,看望自闭症儿童或看望福利院孤老
下午 参加上海青年社团活动
7月6日 全天参加大学生暑期实践项目,开展社会考察
7月7日 上午品味江南水乡——青浦朱家角
下午 欣赏昆曲《牡丹亭》,体会中国传统文化
7月8日 上午 参观上海博物馆,解读繁华背后的历史
下午 游览豫园、上海老街;观看“时空之旅”,体验中国杂技的精彩魅力
7月9日 上午 名家讲座(1)《中国经济》(2)《能源与环保》
下午 青年模拟联合国圆桌会议;闭幕式
7月10日 MU 5802 11:40 上海起飞,14:55 抵达昆明
7月10日 - 7月16日 在昆明、腾冲活动
7月16日 MU 5809 12:30 腾冲起飞,17:00 抵达上海,活动结束
1、 活动期间全体成员的食宿、交通、参观、游览等活动均由主办方统一安排
2、 主办方将免费提供统一制作的活动服装及证件等。活动期间请全体成员带好学生证
3、 活动期间将举行联欢和才艺表演,请全体成员自备乐器和道具
4、 关于活动费用
(1) 国际旅费、上海至昆明、腾冲至上海机票费及相关税费、医疗费、提前抵达或推迟离开发生的费用及其他个人费用自理。
(2) 上海活动期间:住宿、用餐、交通、参观游览、旅游意外保险等费用均由主办方承担
(3) 云南活动期间:每位营员需交纳1500元, 其余费用由主办方承担。(含昆明到腾冲的机票费、住宿、用餐、交通、参观游览、旅游意外保险等)
二.华语之桥 Chinese summer camps in Hangzhou and Beijing in 2012
As it approaches to the year end, many families begin to look for summer programs in China for their children to further improve Mandarin skills. A parent meeting in late Nov gathered many families with kids in Mandarin immersion. They all hope to take their children to China at some point. I just want to add that Sino Language Gateway is offering multiple summer camps in Hangzhou and Beijing in 2012. Hangzhou is a beautiful city near Shanghai (only 60miles away) that is famous for its beautiful scenery. There will be 4 sessions in Hangzhou and 3 sessions in Beijing that run from late June to early Aug, each is 3 weeks long. The Hangzhou program is endorsed and partially funded by the Hangzhou government that brings the cost down for over $1000 cheaper than most other similar summer camps available in the U.S. It truly is a great bargain for families interested in summer programs in China. It combines the best price with the best service ever. For program details please see http://www.sinolanguage.org/programs/news_item.asp?NewsID=203
There are many arrangements in the program to allow participants get direct interaction with local kids, such as the 1-on-1 Chinese conversation. A camp itinerary can tell how your kid will spend their time - http://www.sinolanguage.org/PDFs/Hangzhou/LCH121.pdf The program accommodates parent and sibling, and accepts children of age 10 (Hangzhou program), or age 8 (Beijing program). The program has a diversified student body as participants joining from 20+ countries worldwide. It's exciting to see kids from around the world learning Chinese together. It would be a very encouraging experience to the kids themselves.
三.“兰顿在中国”四周夏令营 July 20 to August 17, 2012
A 4-week co-ed cultural and linguistic program
July 20 to August 17, 2012
Language Immersion in Beijing and Chengdu
Morning language classes according to proficiency levels
Individual placement with Chinese host family
Travel and Excursions in Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai
The co-educational “Landon-in-China” program is built upon the long relationship between the Landon School and its sister schools in China since 2000. The program is open to students Grades 9 through 12 and will take place from Friday, July 20, to Friday, August 17, 2012.
Live with a Chinese host family in Beijing and Chengdu, and rapidly expand your language skills and cultural understanding. This language-immersion program includes intensive language classes divided by ability levels in the morning and cultural classes in the afternoon. The program also includes extensive travel and weekly sightseeing excursions in Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai.
Begin your summer in China in the capital. Your Chinese host families and the world-famous Olympic venues such as the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube await you in Beijing. This year’s Landon-in-China program will introduce you to the bustling streets of China’s largest cities, as well as to Chinese life at its most basic. While in Beijing, you will have classes in the morning on week days and visit the most famous landmarks of China, including Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall as well as the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven.
Continue your travel and immersion home stay program in Chengdu. You will have opportunity to see the Giant Buddha, visit the Panda Research Center of China where you will see many pandas and have an opportunity to have your picture taken with a panda. We will also visit the home of most famous Chinese Tang Dynasty poet, Du Fu.
You will fly to Shanghai and visit the Shanghai museums and the world famous China Pavilion of the 2010 World Expo and explore the Bund and Nanjing Road and get a bird’s eye view of the entire city of Shanghai atop of the “Oriental Pearl Tower.” You will fly back to the United States with the group and arrive home on August 17, 2012.
*Cost: $4,695.00 (Please Note: Dates, itinerary and price are subject to change.)
INDIVIDUAL INTERNSHIPS in areas of students’ interests are also available for an additional fee. Past internships have included opportunities to work with professors at top Chinese universities (Peking University, Tsinghua University and People’s University in Beijing) in history, US-China relations and bio-physics while living in professors’ homes.
YOUR ADVISOR in China will be Dr. Dali Tan. Dr. Tan is a Chinese teacher at Landon School in Bethesda, MD. A native of Shenyang, she has led China travel study tours for students from Landon and St. Catherine’s School in Richmond, Virginia. She also helped establish the ESL exchange component of the “Landon-in-China” program, which brings Chinese students to the Landon campus for instruction and cultural exchange. She is the past president of the Chinese Language Association for Secondary and Elementary Schools and was a member of the AP Chinese course and exam development committee of the College Board.
6101 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, MD 20817 [T] 301-320-1107 [F] 301-320-1122
Qingyuan Han, Ph.D.
2011 Chinese New Year Celebration Gala DVD
华联录制和制作了整台春节晚会的DVD,$5/一碟,有普通DVD和高清DVD(后者只有蓝光播放机可以播放)两种版本,预订时请注名那种版本。请提前预订。数量有限,预购从速!联系人:倪高霞 graceni11@yahoo.com.
SACA has made a DVD from 2011 Chinese New Year Celebration Gala. It sells for $5 each. There are regular DVD and HD DVD (the later one can be only played with a BlueRay player) versions. Please indicate which version you'd like to order. Please order in advance. Contact: Gaoxia Ni at graceni11@yahoo.com.
Update of volunteers for hosting a child from China approved for HeartGift surgery
Dear Friends,
Earlier we sent a message to you asking for volunteers to host a child from China approved for HeartGift surgery. The surgery schedule has changed. Jiajun Wang and his grandmother, Zhulian An, will arrive in San Antonio on December 6th for surgery on December 10th. If you can help, please contact Ms. Hongyin Bu at hongyinb@gmail.com.
Thank you for your help.
HeartGift San Antonio has just approved Jiajun Wang, an 8 year old from China , for surgery on December 3rd. Jiajun will be arriving in San Antonio on November 29th with his maternal grandmother. His mother was killed last year in an automobile accident, and the father is unable to travel with him.
Through the generosity of the doctors and medical staff associated with the HeartGift program, along with CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital, our wonderful donors and volunteers, and the partnership of the Chinese Agape Foundation, Jiajun will receive his heart repair at no cost to him or his family. His stay here will be approximately 5 weeks if everything goes as plans.
As I begin to make arrangements for his arrival and surgery, and his stay here, I would like to ask for your help. When Haojie Chen and Wenrui Cheng came to San Antonio last year, our Chinese speaking community here was wonderful to them, offering hospitality, translation assistance, and friendship. Now I need that help again.
Please forward this message on to others, and let me know if you would like to be a part of Jiajun’s stay here. I will be looking for a place for Jiajun and his grandmother to stay, along with translation and transportation help for doctor’s appointments and hospital stay. If you have any questions, please call me on my cell, or email me.
Thanks! I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Cathy Siegel
Executive Director
HeartGift San Antonio
210.860.0001 (cell)
Free Screenings of Documentary on Chinese Heroine Qiu Jin - San Antonio Nov. 14-15
We would like to invite the members of the San Antonio Chinese Alliance to a free screening of AUTUMN GEM: A Documentary on Modern China's First Feminist, about the Chinese revolutionary heroine Qiu Jin (秋瑾). There will be two showings, at University of Texas at San Antonio on November 14, and Trinity University on November 15.
I have included the details below. Can you announce it to your organization? Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need further information. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Rae Chang and Adam Tow
Producers, AUTUMN GEM
被譽為〝中國聖女貞德〞的女性戰士秋瑾的故事充滿傳奇色彩。她藐視傳統,成為反對腐朽滿清王朝 (1644-1912) 革命軍領袖。秋瑾大膽挑戰傳統的性別角色,重新定義二十世紀中國女性的地位。
《秋瑾》是一部探索 中國革命先烈及女權先驅 秋瑾(1875-1907)不平凡一生的記錄片。她不遺餘力提倡女權,爭取男女平等,並且是領導武裝起義推翻滿清王朝的第一位女子。事敗被捕後,秋瑾被判叛國罪名處死,成為第一位為現代中國革命犧牲的女烈士,被公認為國家女英雄。
網址: http://autumn-gem.com
影片放影時間 (免費入場)
Sunday, November 14 at 3:30pm
University of Texas at San Antonio
Retama Room, Main Campus
One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Monday, November 15 at 4:00pm
Trinity University
Chapman Auditorium
One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
如您有参会意向,请于截止日期2010年10月15日前,将个人简历同时发送至chisa2009@sohu.com <如您有参会意向,请于截止日期2010年10月15日前,将个人简历同时发送至chisa2009@sohu.com> <http://us.mc1104.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=chisa2009@sohu.com> 和nbrc703@163.com <和nbrc703@163.com> <http://us.mc1104.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=nbrc703@163.com> 。我们将把您的简历递交给相关单位的总负责人,沟通确认后,我们将在10月23日前与您确定具体面试时间。
(1). 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所
(2). 中国兵器科学研究院宁波分院
(3). 宁波大学
(4). 宁波工程学院
(5). 浙江大学宁波理工学院
(6). 浙江万里学院
(7). 宁波市第一医院
(8). 宁波市第二医院
(9). 宁波大学医学院附属医院
(10). 宁波市疾病预防控制中心
(11). 萨基姆移动电话研发(宁波)有限公司
(12). 宁波方太厨具有限公司
Job opening at Wright Flyers in New Braunfels
must speak Mandarin Chinese
Wright Flyers Aviation, Inc. is relocating its pilot training activities to the New Braunfels Municipal Airport (http://wrightflyers.com/contact.htm).
I wish to hire a regular full time International Student Coordinator from the Chinese community, who can coordinate all Chinese student training activities and create a comfortable living environment for our students. In brief, the individual will serve the role of a “house mother or father” to our approximately 100 Chinese students, who are in their early 20’s. Responsibilities will include assuring our students:
·arrive at the school on time
·study individually and in workgroups at their apartments
·maintain a clean and orderly living environment
·receive recognition for training program achievements (graduation and key event ceremonies)
·benefit from other activities that support and enhance the company's Chinese Airline Pilot Training Program
The successful candidate for this position will include:
·At least 21 years old
·Speak English and Mandarin Chinese
·Comfortable with Chinese culture
·Mature and responsible
·Hold a valid driver license with a good driving record
Wright Flyers offers its employees a health and medical benefit program, as well as a competitive wage based on the successful candidate's education and experience.
Thank you in advance for your support and suggestions
Best wishes,
Rand Goldstein, President
Wright Flyers Aviation, Inc.
210-820-3800 San Antonio
830-221-4500 New Braunfels
210-286-4288 Mobile
Please come celebrate the New Year's Eve with us at our New Year's Eve Party at the Parman Auditorium Foyer in UTHSCSA on 12/31/2009 starting 7:30pm till midnight. The activities include dancing, karaoke, many card games, and much more. SACA will provide snacks and soft drinks.
The event is free to all SACA members, their families and friends.
When: 7:30pm - 12:30am on 12/31/2009
Where: Parman Auditorium UTHSCSA @ 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX
What: Dancing, Karaoke, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, and Majiang game...
Cost: Free for all SACA members and families
Detailed map to the Parman Auditorium
SACA is offering free Ball Room Dancing lessons every Saturday afternoon(2:00pm - 4:30pm) at Regan High School Library starting this weekend 11/28/2009. The dance lessons are instructor-led, and they are free to all SACA members.(no longer offering)