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San Antonio for Equality

Post Rally Public Release

游行的照片汇总(赵坤,刘畅),请到该链接下载 http://1drv.ms/1L3kum9

刘畅网站上的游行照片 http://goo.gl/WFWKaH

编辑过的游行录像(马春元) https://youtu.be/uLQr1ByZOqY

On February 20, 2016, over 200 people from the Chinese community in San Antonio took to the street to hold a peaceful rally and march in downtown San Antonio. This is part of a nationwide rally and protest concerning the case of former NYPD officer Peter Liang. As part of a national rally of over 40 cities, the San Antonio rally is organized by San Antonio For Justice, an organization composed of several entities for the purpose of organizing this rally. The rally and march started at 10:30 at the downtown Main plaza.

Peter Liang, an NYPD probationary officer at the time, a Chinese American, along with another rookie officer, was assigned to conduct a patrol of one of the most dangerous public housings on Nov. 20, 2014. Multiple police officers testified under oath that they were often very scared while patrolling that same building. Mr. Liang’s service weapon accidentally discharged in a pitch-dark stairwell. The bullet ricocheted off the wall and struck 28-year-old Akai Gurley who entered the stairwell one floor below. Mr. Gurley tragically lost his life. He was an African American. Peter Liang was convicted of second-degree manslaughter among other charges.

“Any senseless loss of life is a tragedy unbearable to all of us. We extend our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Gurley. No words can undo the suffering of losing a loved one. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Mr. Gurley.”

“We are deeply concerned about the apparent injustice against Mr. Peter Liang by the system”.
Many say that Mr. Liang was used as an “example” of police violence and got caught in in the politics of New York's City Hall and the anti-police sentiment caused by the NYPD’s wrong doings in the past. It is particularly alarming when Liang’s partner, a non-minority officer, who committed many of the same actions was given immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony against Liang. In the Eric Garner case, which also happened in New York, Kizzy Adonis, a 14-year veteran officer of NYPD, an African American, was the only one facing NYPD internal charges while the non-minority officer who actually committed the act is not facing any charges.

“Did Peter Liang get caught in in politics and was used to bear the consequences of the wrong doings of NYPD”. “We request that the authorities of NYPD and NYC stop hiding behind Peter Liang. We request that every citizen of this country be treated with Justice.”

Several people from different ethnic backgrounds joined the march. This was the first time in history the Asian Community in San Antonio organized an activity of this type. It indicates the increasing awareness and engagement in political process by the Asian American community in San Antonio. The rally and march were completed peacefully at 12:30 pm.

San Antonio for Justice Committee:
San Antonio Chinese Alliance, Greater San Antonio Society of Chinese Professionals, Greater San Antonio Chinese Chamber of Commerce. San Antonio Shandong Association. San Antonio Hubei Association.

书写圣城华裔历史 220维权挺梁大游行

(李玉 报道)

2月20日,200多圣安东尼奥(San Antonio,Texas)华裔民众走上街头,参与了由亚裔维权大联盟发起的“220全美百万亚裔维权挺梁大示威”游行示威活动。这一次游行示威,圣城华裔不仅响应了亚裔联盟的号召,为在美亚裔要求司法公正,不再成为司法不公的牺牲品发出自己的声音,也创造了圣城华裔历史上的第一次--这一次史无前例的大游行将对今后圣城华裔的政治态度和参与方式起到深远的影响,并为圣城华裔在今后的政治生活中提供借鉴作用。

整个活动从早上10点开始,到中午12点结束,共持续两个小时。虽然早上有些阴雨,但这丝毫没有影响大家为公益、为正义而来的热情。由圣城华人联盟、华人专家协会、华人商会、山东同乡会、胡北之友联合组成的“220游行组委会”的志愿者们9点30分便集中在Main Plaza做好分发美国国旗、标语板、传单等准备活动。为游行活动提供安全防护的圣安东尼奥警察局也提前来到游行地点,为游行队伍提供提前封道、安插沿街巡逻员、警车开道等积极的协助。10时许,来自圣城各行各业的华裔200余人,以及数位来自不同族群的人士陆陆续续地汇集到MainPlaza。他们中年龄最大的81岁,最小的只有21个月。大家相互热情的点头致意,并安静有序地领取标语牌、国旗、传单,等待活动的开始。10点30分,组委会负责人刘艳娟,颜彦,杨占波、孙志全先后发言,对本次游行示威的目的、意义进行了阐述,并重申游行注意事项。11点,游行正式开始,游行队伍两人一排,整齐有序地排着队由Main Plaza出发。大家高举着“Fair Treatment For All”, “Justice Above Politics”, “One Tragedy Two Victims” 等标语牌,沿着Market Street, 来到人群熙攘的Alamo Plaza。许多路人驻足观望,有些上前询问游行诉求,很多人在得知缘由后纷纷表示支持,尤其令人欣慰的是一位非洲裔美国人毅然加入了游行队伍并走完全程。另一个值得一提的是游行队伍中有许多的孩子,相信这一次游行将于他们今后的生活有更深远的影响。游行队伍在Alamo Plaza做短暂停留后,经Houston Street,N. Flores Street,返回Main Plaza。游行活动圆满结束。

此次游行获得圣安东尼奥市前议员Elisa Chan的大力协助,以及许许多多来自各行各业华人的鼎力支持。这一次游行示威发出了圣城华人追求政治诉求的第一声,也展示了新一代华人团结一致的力量。

Public Release

National Peaceful Rally For Equality - San Antonio Rally

The Chinese American community will host a peaceful rally nationwide on Saturday, February 20, 2016 concerning the case of former NYPD officer Peter Liang. As part of a national rally of over 40 cities, the San Antonio rally is being organized by San Antonio For Equality, an organization composed of several entities for the purpose of organizing this rally. The rally and march will take place on Saturday, February 20th from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The march will start from the Main Plaza downtown. Several hundred people are expected to join the rally.

Peter Liang, an NYPD probationary officer at the time, a Chinese American, along with another rookie officer, was assigned to conduct a vertical patrol of public housing area on Nov. 20, 2014. Multiple police officers testified under oath that they were often very scared while patrolling that same building. Mr. Liang’s service weapon accidentally discharged in a pitch-dark stairwell. The bullet ricocheted off the wall and struck 28-year-old Akai Gurley who entered the stairwell one floor below. Mr. Gurley tragically lost his life. He was an African American. Peter Liang was convicted of five felony counts, including second-degree manslaughter.

Any senseless loss of life is a tragedy unbearable to all of us. We extend our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Gurley. No words can undo the suffering of losing a loved one. Our thoughts and prayer are with the family of Mr. Gurley.

We are also deeply concerned about the apparent inconsistent treatment of Peter Liang by the system. Many say that Mr. Liang was a “pawn” and a “scapegoat” who got caught up in the politics of New York's City Hall and the anti-police sentiment caused by the department’s wrong doings in the past. It is particularly alarming when Liang’s partner, a non-minority officer, who committed many of the same actions is not facing any charges. In the Eric Garner case, Kizzy Adonis, a 14-year veteran officer of NYPD, an African American, was the only one facing NYPD internal charge while the non-minority officer who actually committed the act is not facing any charges.

Did Peter Liang get caught in politics and was used to bear the consequences of the wrong doings of NYPD? We request the authorities of NYPD and NYC stop hiding behind Peter Liang. We ask that every citizens of this country be treated equally.

San Antonio for Equality Marching Committee:
San Antonio Chinese Alliance, Greater San Antonio Society of Chinese Professionals, Greater San Antonio Chinese Chamber of Commerce. San Antonio Shandong Association. San Antonio Hubei Association.

圣安东尼奥 220 游行注意事项


集合地点: 市政府, Main Plaza, 地址115 Main Plaza, 详见游行地图黄星处
分发国旗 / 标语板:10:15am
发表宣言 / 媒体采访:10:30am
游行开始时间: 11:00am

口号 Slogan:

Fair Treatment For All
One Tragedy, Two Victims
Justice Above Politics

* 请大家遵守圣安220游行委员会的指挥,注意安全
* Please follow the lead of San Antonio For Equality Marching Committee, Take Safety Measures.

* 标语牌:将由筹备委员会统一制作分发。
* All Signs will be distributed by the Committee

* 着装:不要求统一服装
* No required unification clothing

* 手执旗帜:圣安220游行委员会统一发放美国国旗,严禁手持其他国国旗
* Only American flag will be allowed and will be distributed by the committee.

* 请参照圣安220游行委员会媒体问答指南和公告信,如有媒体问题,请引见杨占波教授,赵明大夫
* Refer to committee official handouts, direct all media requests to our spokesmen Dr. ZhanBo Yang and Dr. Jason Zhao.

* 如愿意回答媒体问题,请申明为个人意见。
* Declare personal opinion if answering media questions.

* 请大家注意言辞,控制情绪,游行期间严禁内讧和争吵。
* Personal conflicts are prohibited during marching.

* 市中心法规:不可用扩音机,喇叭,哨子等制造噪音
* No megaphone, loudspeaker, nor whistle allowed per city ordinance.

* 避免大声喧哗,可以用正常声音说话。
* No raised voice that disturbs public.

* 请不要向行驶中的车辆挥手。
* Do not waive at passing vehicles.

* 无暴力,谩骂,或违法行为,违法者后果自负。
* No violence, cursing or any kind of unlawful acts. Take full responsibility for any unlawful acts.

* 只走人行道,不可占车行道。(2/19 update,听从指挥,警察允许占用一条车道)
* Stay on the sidewalks, avoid the street.

* 遵守交通规则,不堵路,礼让行人,清理自己的垃圾。
* Let Pedestrians go first, do not block traffic or littering

* 不可在人行道上商家?前堵住入口,不可在人行道坐下或躺下。
* No blocking merchants entrances, No sitting or laying on sidewalk.

* 停车,洗手间, 见地图, 建议大家拼车前往.
* All parkings in downtown are subject fees. You are responsible for your own parking.
Refer to Marching map for parking, restroom information. Recommend carpool to downtown.

* 希望大家自带瓶装水,注意天气状况,按需携带雨伞和外衣
* Bring your own water and pay attention to weather condition.

San Antonio For Equality 220 Marching Committee Disclaimers: Individuals are responsible for their own safety and actions. San Antonio For Equality, a joint organization composed of several organizations for the purpose of organizing this Demonstration, shall not be liable for any damage or injury of any participants. By joining this Demonstration all participants agree to follow the rules set forth above. San Antonio For Equality reserves the rights to ask anybody to leave the demonstration or to be excluded. The official handouts of San Antonio For Equality bear the organization’s official statement.


1 洛杉矶 全国集结号发起人 总联系人:天天 微信号:tiantian8199
2 孟菲斯 总联系人:甜蜜蜜 微信号:tn3kdt
3 芝加哥 总联系人:JEFFZLI 微信号:JEFFZLI1998
4 休斯敦 总联系人:没没 微信号:shirleymeiqing
5 旧金山 副总指挥 总联系人:加肥猫 微信号:gfkwang
6 纽约 副总指挥 总联系人:Jack 欧阳 微信号:ouyangusa
7 新泽西 总联系人:Jack 微信号:ouyangusa
8 费城 总联系人:费城挺梁组委会 微信号: flyingqueens
9 亚特兰大 总联系人: 好人海盗 微信号:josephhuntsman
10 北卡 总联系人:xi chen 微信号:stevexichen
11 夏洛特 总联系人:Jack Wang 微信号:jackw16
12 印城 总联系人:莫才清 微信号:caiqing26
13 达拉斯 总联系人: DFWCA 微信号:dfwcatx
14 密歇根 总联系人:杨恰 微信号:jtyang1987
15 德拉华州 总联系人:月飞 微信号:cloisonne2015
16 堪萨斯 总联系人: dongyun忠 微信号:dong191919
17 波特兰 总联系人: shi Jue 微信号:jus-shi
18 凤凰城 总联系人:Sam 微信号:drsamhuan
19 西雅图 总联系人:逝者如斯 微信号:sing_alone
20 迈阿密 总联系人:文新 微信号:anti-aging-solution
21 纳什维尔 总联系人:天山下的来客 微信号:edisonpeck
22 麦城 总联系人:Terry Tao 微信号:taoyedong1
23 波士顿 总联系人:Swann 微信号:swannlee
24 奥马哈 总联系人:ping ye. 微信号:pingy58
25 奥兰多 总联系人:孙巍 微信号:sun09t
26 底特律 总联系人:日进斗金 微信号:light_in_winter88
27 匹兹堡 总联系人:jing li. 微信号:xiaojing1pitt
28 圣地亚哥 总联系人:frank Xu. 微信号:frankjihexu
29 尔湾 总联系人: ying li 微信号:9124417104
30 明州 总联系人:Jack 微信号:jjjjj8wwwww
31 华盛顿DC 总联系人:George Zhou 微信号:george9900
32 康州 总联系人:胡波 微信号:hubo7602
33 拉斯维加斯 总联系人:Layla 微信号:VIP_Me_
34 加拿大地区 总联系人:沙子猫 微信号:peterscar
35 奥斯丁 总联系人:陆宏达 微信号: lu-hongda
36 俄亥俄 总联系人:David 微信号:DavidSoCool
37 宾州 总联系人:? 微信号:
38 科罗拉多州 总联系人:Wei He 微信号:eagle7_denver
39 爱达荷州 总联系人:马永生。微信号:yongsheng209
40 圣路易斯 总联系人:小贾 微信号: jiaw1861
41 圣安东尼奥 总联系人:yanjuan 微信号:yanjuanjlz
42 小石城 总联系人:monica。 微信号:?
43 蒙特利奥 总联系人 :海上渔民。 微信号:4182713988
44 卡加里。 总联系人:kee 微信号:catzcatz
45 多伦多。 总联系人: li li。 微信号:jvlvziye